 What is BizNet, and how do I access it?
BizNet is the intranet application for faculty and staff of CBA/Katz. With it, working groups and teams can store files, share calendars and contact lists, and make use of tools like wikis, discussion boards and blogs. You can find BizNet at: https://biznet.katz.pitt.edu
Faculty, Staff
 How do I log in to BizNet?
As a faculty or staff member, using Internet Explorer on campus, you should sign in automatically. Otherwise, your user name is your Pitt user account (Pitt\username), and your password is your Pitt password (the one used to log into your email).
Faculty, Staff, Students
 Where are the student photo books?
The MBA class photo books can be found at: http://inet.katz.pitt.edu/studentnet/mba
Faculty, Staff, Students
 How can I create a photo roster for my class?
The photo roster for your class can be found at: http://biznet.katz.pitt.edu/Faculty (MBA student photos only!)
 How do I update my faculty webpage?
Every summer, faculty are provided with the content of their faculty web page and asked to make any revisions and return it to the web editor. You can make updates at any point throughout the year by submitting a ticket online.
 How do I get a new computer or order university licensed software?
Faculty and staff purchasing computers on a university account can visit http://www.katz.pitt.edu/purchasing and fill out the simple form that follows.
Faculty, Staff
 Can I order something not listed on the purchasing site?
You may be able to order something not on the purchasing list. Most needs are addressed by the devices on the list, which KITS reevaluates quarterly. However, there may be additional paperwork and administrative overhead involved in requesting non-standard equipment. Note that certain devices, such as portable music players, phones and cameras, are not computer equipment and thus are not purchased through KITS.
Faculty, Staff
 I just got a new computer through KITS. I love the old one; can I keep it?
PittBusiness has a strict “give one, get one” policy. The old equipment we have returned to us is often reassigned very quickly to fill other needs, as well as keeping our loaner pool more up to date. Additionally, it is our responsibility to ensure that computers are discarded properly according to University and environmental policies and regulations.
Faculty, Staff
 What benefits does the wired network have over wireless?

The campus wired network provides a few advantages over campus wireless These include:

  • It's more secure.
  • It's faster. Wired network speeds can be ten times faster than the wireless network.
  • It's more reliable. Due to the firewall structure on campus, many resources that are readily accessible on the wired network require additional steps to access wirelessly, if at all.
Faculty, Staff, Students
 I require software that is not available through the University. How do I buy it?
If there is a sufficiently compelling business case for the software, present it to the IT Director and we can evaluate the software. If management agrees, we can purchase and install the software. Be aware that University regulations with regard to software require approval by the University administration and legal department before we can use any software, even if it’s free. You can expect this approval to take at least one month.
Faculty, Staff
 I bought a computer for home. Can I have Microsoft Office for it?
Unfortunately, our software can only be installed onto University-owned equipment. You can “buy into” the Microsoft campus software agreement through Software Licensing Services. Refer to http://technology.pitt.edu/software.html
Faculty, Staff
 I bought a computer on my own. Can ITS provide me with support for it?
According to PittBusiness policy, we are limited to servicing University-owned equipment only. We may be able to offer advice or referrals if time permits.
Faculty, Staff
 How do I access services remotely?
By logging on to the University’s Secure Remote Access service, some additional network resources may be available to you over the wireless network or from home. http://sremote.pitt.edu
Faculty, Staff, Students
 I am bringing a guest to campus. How can he or she use the network here?
You can request a guest wireless access account at http://wireless.pitt.edu.
Faculty, Staff
 What equipment does ITS have available for me to borrow? How do I request it?
We have laptops, projectors, PowerPoint remotes, classroom response remotes and more, available for faculty and staff. To make a reservation, email kitsdesk@katz.pitt.edu or call x81601. Please be specific regarding your needs.
Faculty, Staff
 What equipment do the classrooms have?

The five main classrooms (104, 114, 115, 117, B75) all have the same set of equipment. They each have a computer data projector, a document camera (which can be used for transparencies), an integrated sound system, a DVD player, and a VCR. Each also has a lectern microphone as well as a lapel mike. The computer has Windows, Office, Acrobat and other basic software.

The finance lab (201) has all of the above, but has a dual monitor setup and additional software.

Room 209 has different equipment. It does not have a computer or microphones. It does have a projector, DVD and VHS, and a document camera.

Faculty, Staff
 What is Qualtrics and how do I access it?
Qualtrics is a free online survey tool available for faculty, staff and students. Full information about Qualtrics, including how to create an account, is available at: http://inet.katz.pitt.edu/tech-help/guides/qualtrics.aspx.
Faculty, Staff, Students